Unified asynchronous channel interface for HTTP (streaming or long-polling)
and WebSocket.
DEPRECATED for `sec-websocket-accept
(close ch)
Closes the channel. Idempotent: returns true if the channel was actually
closed, or false if it was already closed.
(on-close ch callback)
Sets handler (fn [status]) for notification of channel being closed by the
server or client. Handler will be invoked at most once. Useful for clean-up.
Callback status argument:
:server-close : Channel closed by sever
:client-close : HTTP channel closed by client
:normal : WebSocket closed by client (CLOSE_NORMAL)
:going-away : WebSocket closed by client (CLOSE_GOING_AWAY)
:protocol-error : WebSocket closed by client (CLOSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR)
:unsupported : WebSocket closed by client (CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED)
:unknown : WebSocket closed by client (unknown reason)
(on-receive ch callback)
Sets handler (fn [message]) for notification of client WebSocket
messages. Message ordering is guaranteed by server.
The message argument could be a string or a byte[].
(run-server handler & [{:keys [ip port thread queue-size max-body max-ws max-line proxy-protocol worker-name-prefix], :or {max-ws 4194304, max-body 8388608, max-line 4096, ip "", queue-size 20480, proxy-protocol :disable, port 8090, thread 4, worker-name-prefix "worker-"}}])
Starts HTTP server and returns
(fn [& {:keys [timeout] ; Timeout (msecs) to wait on existing reqs to complete
:or {timeout 100}}])
Server is mostly Ring compatible, see
for differences.
:ip ; Which ip (if has many ips) to bind
:port ; Which port listen incomming request
:thread ; Http worker thread count
:queue-size ; Max job queued before reject to project self
:max-body ; Max http body: 8m
:max-ws ; Max websocket message size
:max-line ; Max http inital line length
:proxy-protocol ; Proxy protocol e/o #{:disable :enable :optional}
:worker-name-prefix ; Woker thread name prefix
(send! ch data)
(send! ch data close-after-send?)
Sends data to client and returns true if the data was successfully sent,
or false if the channel is closed. Data is sent directly to the client,
When unspecified, `close-after-send?` defaults to true for HTTP channels
and false for WebSocket.
Data form: {:headers _ :status _ :body _} or just body. Note that :headers
and :status will be stripped for WebSocket and for HTTP streaming responses
after the first.
For WebSocket, a text frame is sent to client if data is String,
a binary frame when data is byte[] or InputStream. For for HTTP streaming
responses, data can be one of the type defined by Ring spec
(with-channel ring-req ch-name & body)
Evaluates body with `ch-name` bound to the request's underlying
asynchronous HTTP or WebSocket channel, and returns {:body AsyncChannel}
as an implementation detail.
;; Asynchronous HTTP response (with optional streaming)
(defn my-async-handler [request]
(with-channel request ch ; Request's channel
;; Make ch available to whoever can deliver the response to it; ex.:
(swap! clients conj ch))) ; given (def clients (atom #{}))
;; Some place later:
(doseq [ch @clients]
(swap! clients disj ch)
(send! ch {:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body your-async-response}
;; false ; Uncomment to use chunk encoding for HTTP streaming
;; WebSocket response
(defn my-chatroom-handler [request]
(if-not (:websocket? request)
{:status 200 :body "Welcome to the chatroom! JS client connecting..."}
(with-channel request ch
(println "New WebSocket channel:" ch)
(on-receive ch (fn [msg] (println "on-receive:" msg)))
(on-close ch (fn [status] (println "on-close:" status)))
(send! ch "First chat message!"))))
Channel API (see relevant docstrings for more info):
(open? [ch])
(close [ch])
(websocket? [ch])
(send! [ch data] [ch data close-after-send?])
(on-receieve [ch callback])
(on-close [ch callback])
See org.httpkit.timer ns for optional timeout facilities.