(defprotocol Channel
"Unified asynchronous channel interface for HTTP (streaming or long-polling)
and WebSocket."
(open? [ch] "Returns true iff channel is open.")
(close [ch]
"Closes the channel. Idempotent: returns true if the channel was actually
closed, or false if it was already closed.")
(websocket? [ch] "Returns true iff channel is a WebSocket.")
(send! [ch data] [ch data close-after-send?]
"Sends data to client and returns true if the data was successfully sent,
or false if the channel is closed. Data is sent directly to the client,
When unspecified, `close-after-send?` defaults to true for HTTP channels
and false for WebSocket.
Data form: {:headers _ :status _ :body _} or just body. Note that :headers
and :status will be stripped for WebSocket and for HTTP streaming responses
after the first.
For WebSocket, a text frame is sent to client if data is String,
a binary frame when data is byte[] or InputStream. For for HTTP streaming
responses, data can be one of the type defined by Ring spec")
(on-receive [ch callback]
"Sets handler (fn [message]) for notification of client WebSocket
messages. Message ordering is guaranteed by server.
The message argument could be a string or a byte[].")
(on-close [ch callback]
"Sets handler (fn [status]) for notification of channel being closed by the
server or client. Handler will be invoked at most once. Useful for clean-up.
Callback status argument:
:server-close : Channel closed by sever
:client-close : HTTP channel closed by client
:normal : WebSocket closed by client (CLOSE_NORMAL)
:going-away : WebSocket closed by client (CLOSE_GOING_AWAY)
:protocol-error : WebSocket closed by client (CLOSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR)
:unsupported : WebSocket closed by client (CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED)
:unknown : WebSocket closed by client (unknown reason)"))