Functions for encoding and decoding data.
(assoc-conj map key val)
Associate a key with a value in a map. If the key already exists in the map,
a vector of values is associated with the key.
(form-decode encoded & [encoding])
Decode the supplied www-form-urlencoded string using the specified encoding,
or UTF-8 by default. If the encoded value is a string, a string is returned.
If the encoded value is a map of parameters, a map is returned.
(form-encode x & [encoding])
Encode the supplied value into www-form-urlencoded format, often used in
URL query strings and POST request bodies, using the specified encoding.
If the encoding is not specified, it defaults to UTF-8
(url-decode encoded & [encoding])
Returns the url-decoded version of the given string, using either a specified
encoding or UTF-8 by default. If the encoding is invalid, nil is returned.