(merge chs)
(merge chs buf-or-n)
Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which
contains all values taken from them. The returned channel will be
unbuffered by default, or a buf-or-n can be supplied. The channel
will close after all the source channels have closed.
"Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which\n contains all values taken from them. The returned channel will be\n unbuffered by default, or a buf-or-n can be supplied. The channel\n will close after all the source channels have closed."
([chs] (merge chs nil))
([chs buf-or-n]
[out (chan buf-or-n)]
[cs (vec chs)]
(pos? (count cs))
[[v c] (alts! cs)]
(nil? v)
(recur (filterv (fn* [p1__18544#] (not= c p1__18544#)) cs))
(do (>! out v) (recur cs))))
(close! out)))