Use this to create “chains” and acyclic graphs of dependent atoms.
`derived-atom` will:
- Take N “source” refs
- Set up a watch on each of them
- Create “sink” atom
- When any of source refs changes:
- re-run function `f`, passing N dereferenced values of source refs
- `reset!` result of `f` to the sink atom
- return sink atom
(def *a (atom 0))
(def *b (atom 1))
(def *x (derived-atom [*a *b] ::key
(fn [a b]
(str a ":" b))))
(type *x) ;; => clojure.lang.Atom
\@*x ;; => 0:1
(swap! *a inc)
\@*x ;; => 1:1
(reset! *b 7)
\@*x ;; => 1:7
refs - sequence of source refs
key - unique key to register watcher, see `clojure.core/add-watch`
f - function that must accept N arguments (same as number of source refs)
and return a value to be written to the sink ref.
Note: `f` will be called with already dereferenced values
opts - optional. Map of:
:ref - Use this as sink ref. By default creates new atom
:check-equals? - Do an equality check on each update: `(= @sink (f new-vals))`.
If result of `f` is equal to the old one, do not call `reset!`.
Defaults to `true`. Set to false if calling `=` would be expensive
(def ^{:style/indent 2} derived-atom
"Use this to create “chains” and acyclic graphs of dependent atoms.
`derived-atom` will:
- Take N “source” refs
- Set up a watch on each of them
- Create “sink” atom
- When any of source refs changes:
- re-run function `f`, passing N dereferenced values of source refs
- `reset!` result of `f` to the sink atom
- return sink atom
(def *a (atom 0))
(def *b (atom 1))
(def *x (derived-atom [*a *b] ::key
(fn [a b]
(str a \":\" b))))
(type *x) ;; => clojure.lang.Atom
\\@*x ;; => 0:1
(swap! *a inc)
\\@*x ;; => 1:1
(reset! *b 7)
\\@*x ;; => 1:7
refs - sequence of source refs
key - unique key to register watcher, see `clojure.core/add-watch`
f - function that must accept N arguments (same as number of source refs)
and return a value to be written to the sink ref.
Note: `f` will be called with already dereferenced values
opts - optional. Map of:
:ref - Use this as sink ref. By default creates new atom
:check-equals? - Do an equality check on each update: `(= @sink (f new-vals))`.
If result of `f` is equal to the old one, do not call `reset!`.
Defaults to `true`. Set to false if calling `=` would be expensive"