(rum/defc var->html
[{:keys [ns-sym var-sym type rel-path static?] :as state}
{:keys [sym meta source spec examples methods protocol]}]
(let [{:keys [arglists doc]} meta
url (var-sym->url rel-path static? type ns-sym sym)]
[:div {:class "var-info"}
(into (if var-sym
[:a {:href url}])
(if arglists
(map (fn [arglist]
[:h2 (pr-str (apply list sym arglist))])
[[:h2 (str sym)]]))
(when methods
[:div {:class "section"}
[:h3 "Methods in this protocol"]
(into [:ul]
(for [method-sym methods]
[:li [:a {:href (var-sym->url rel-path static? type ns-sym method-sym)}
(str method-sym)]]))])
(when protocol
[:div {:class "section"}
"Part of the "
[:a {:href (var-sym->url rel-path static? type ns-sym protocol)}
(str protocol)]
" protocol"]])
(when doc
[:div {:class "section doc"} doc])
(when (seq examples)
(into [:div {:class "section"}
[:h2 "Example"]]
(mapv (partial example->html state)
(when spec
(if var-sym
[:div {:class "section"}
[:h2 "Spec"]
(spec->html state spec)]
{:label "Spec"
:url url
:*content (delay (spec->html state spec))})))
(when source
(if var-sym
[:div {:class "section"}
[:h2 "Source"]
(source->html state source)]
{:label "Source"
:url url
:*content (delay (source->html state source))})))]))