(summarize specs)
Reduce options specs into a options summary for printing at a terminal.
Note that the specs argument should be the compiled version. That effectively
means that you shouldn't call summarize directly. When you call parse-opts
you get back a :summary key which is the result of calling summarize (or
your user-supplied :summary-fn option) on the compiled option specs.
(defn ^{:added "0.3.0"} summarize
"Reduce options specs into a options summary for printing at a terminal.
Note that the specs argument should be the compiled version. That effectively
means that you shouldn't call summarize directly. When you call parse-opts
you get back a :summary key which is the result of calling summarize (or
your user-supplied :summary-fn option) on the compiled option specs."
(if (seq specs)
(let [show-defaults? (some #(and (:required %) (contains? % :default)) specs)
parts (map (partial make-summary-part show-defaults?) specs)
lens (apply map (fn [& cols] (apply max (map count cols))) parts)
lines (format-lines lens parts)]
(s/join \newline lines))