(defn parse-fn*
[[op & args :as form] env]
(let [[n meths] (if (symbol? (first args))
[(first args) (next args)]
[nil (seq args)])
name-expr {:op :binding
:env env
:form n
:local :fn
:name n}
e (if n (assoc (assoc-in env [:locals n] (dissoc-env name-expr)) :local name-expr) env)
once? (-> op meta :once boolean)
menv (assoc (dissoc e :in-try) :once once?)
meths (if (vector? (first meths)) (list meths) meths) ;;turn (fn [] ...) into (fn ([]...))
methods-exprs (mapv #(analyze-fn-method % menv) meths)
variadic (seq (filter :variadic? methods-exprs))
variadic? (boolean variadic)
fixed-arities (seq (map :fixed-arity (remove :variadic? methods-exprs)))
max-fixed-arity (when fixed-arities (apply max fixed-arities))]
(when (>= (count variadic) 2)
(throw (ex-info "Can't have more than 1 variadic overload"
(merge {:variadics (mapv :form variadic)
:form form}
(-source-info form env)))))
(when (not= (seq (distinct fixed-arities)) fixed-arities)
(throw (ex-info "Can't have 2 or more overloads with the same arity"
(merge {:form form}
(-source-info form env)))))
(when (and variadic?
(not-every? #(<= (:fixed-arity %)
(:fixed-arity (first variadic)))
(remove :variadic? methods-exprs)))
(throw (ex-info "Can't have fixed arity overload with more params than variadic overload"
(merge {:form form}
(-source-info form env)))))
(merge {:op :fn
:env env
:form form
:variadic? variadic?
:max-fixed-arity max-fixed-arity
:methods methods-exprs
:once once?}
(when n
{:local name-expr})
{:children (conj (if n [:local] []) :methods)}))))