(defn warn-earmuff
"Prints a warning to *err* if the AST node is a :def node and the
var name contains earmuffs but the var is not marked dynamic"
{:pass-info {:walk :pre :depends #{}}}
(let [name (str (:name ast))]
(when (and (= :def (:op ast))
(> (count name) 2) ;; Allow * and ** as non-dynamic names
(.startsWith name "*")
(.endsWith name "*")
(not (dynamic? (:var ast) (:val (:meta ast)))))
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println "Warning:" name "not declared dynamic and thus is not dynamically rebindable,"
"but its name suggests otherwise."
"Please either indicate ^:dynamic" name "or change the name"))))