(defn validate-call [{:keys [class instance method args tag env op] :as ast}]
(let [argc (count args)
instance? (= :instance-call op)
f (if instance? u/instance-methods u/static-methods)
tags (mapv :tag args)]
(if-let [matching-methods (seq (f class method argc))]
(let [[m & rest :as matching] (try-best-match tags matching-methods)]
(if m
(let [all-ret-equals? (apply = (mapv :return-type matching))]
(if (or (empty? rest)
(and all-ret-equals? ;; if the method signature is the same just pick the first one
(apply = (mapv #(mapv u/maybe-class (:parameter-types %)) matching))))
(let [ret-tag (:return-type m)
arg-tags (mapv u/maybe-class (:parameter-types m))
args (mapv (fn [arg tag] (assoc arg :tag tag)) args arg-tags)
class (u/maybe-class (:declaring-class m))]
(merge' ast
{:method (:name m)
:validated? true
:class class
:o-tag ret-tag
:tag (or tag ret-tag)
:args args}
(if instance?
{:instance (assoc instance :tag class)})))
(if all-ret-equals?
(let [ret-tag (:return-type m)]
(assoc ast
:o-tag Object
:tag (or tag ret-tag)))
(if instance?
(assoc (dissoc ast :class) :tag Object :o-tag Object)
(throw (ex-info (str "No matching method: " method " for class: " class " and given signature")
(merge {:method method
:class class
:args (mapv (fn [a] (prewalk a cleanup)) args)}
(source-info env)))))))
(if instance?
(assoc (dissoc ast :class) :tag Object :o-tag Object)
(throw (ex-info (str "No matching method: " method " for class: " class " and arity: " argc)
(merge {:method method
:class class
:argc argc}
(source-info env))))))))