(pst e-or-depth)
(pst e depth)
Prints a stack trace of the exception, to the depth requested. If none supplied, uses the root cause of the
most recent repl exception (*e), and a depth of 12.
(defn pst
"Prints a stack trace of the exception, to the depth requested. If none supplied, uses the root cause of the
most recent repl exception (*e), and a depth of 12."
{:added "1.3"}
([] (pst 12))
(if (instance? Throwable e-or-depth)
(pst e-or-depth 12)
(when-let [e *e]
(pst (root-cause e) e-or-depth))))
([^Throwable e depth]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println (str (-> e class .getSimpleName) " "
(.getMessage e)
(when-let [info (ex-data e)] (str " " (pr-str info)))))
(let [st (.getStackTrace e)
cause (.getCause e)]
(doseq [el (take depth
(remove #(#{"clojure.lang.RestFn" "clojure.lang.AFn"} (.getClassName %))
(println (str \tab (stack-element-str el))))
(when cause
(println "Caused by:")
(pst cause (min depth
(+ 2 (- (count (.getStackTrace cause))
(count st))))))))))