(pprint-logical-block options* body)
Execute the body as a pretty printing logical block with output to *out* which
must be a pretty printing writer. When used from pprint or cl-format, this can be
This function is intended for use when writing custom dispatch functions.
Before the body, the caller can optionally specify options: :prefix, :per-line-prefix,
and :suffix.
(defmacro pprint-logical-block
"Execute the body as a pretty printing logical block with output to *out* which
must be a pretty printing writer. When used from pprint or cl-format, this can be
This function is intended for use when writing custom dispatch functions.
Before the body, the caller can optionally specify options: :prefix, :per-line-prefix,
and :suffix."
{:added "1.2", :arglists '[[options* body]]}
[& args]
(let [[options body] (parse-lb-options #{:prefix :per-line-prefix :suffix} args)]
`(do (if (#'clojure.pprint/level-exceeded)
(.write ^java.io.Writer *out* "#")
(push-thread-bindings {#'clojure.pprint/*current-level*
(inc (var-get #'clojure.pprint/*current-level*))
#'clojure.pprint/*current-length* 0})
(#'clojure.pprint/start-block *out*
~(:prefix options) ~(:per-line-prefix options) ~(:suffix options))
(#'clojure.pprint/end-block *out*)