(deftype PersistentPriorityMap [priority->set-of-items item->priority _meta keyfn]
(toString [this] (str (.seq this)))
; valAt gives (get pm key) and (get pm key not-found) behavior
(valAt [this item] (get item->priority item))
(valAt [this item not-found] (get item->priority item not-found))
(count [this] (count item->priority))
(assoc [this item priority]
(let [current-priority (get item->priority item nil)]
(if current-priority
;Case 1 - item is already in priority map, so this is a reassignment
(if (= current-priority priority)
;Subcase 1 - no change in priority, do nothing
(let [priority-key (apply-keyfn priority)
current-priority-key (apply-keyfn current-priority)
item-set (get priority->set-of-items current-priority-key)]
(if (= (count item-set) 1)
;Subcase 2 - it was the only item of this priority
;so remove old priority entirely
;and conj item onto new priority's set
(assoc (dissoc priority->set-of-items current-priority-key)
priority-key (conj (get priority->set-of-items priority-key #{}) item))
(assoc item->priority item priority)
(meta this)
;Subcase 3 - there were many items associated with the item's original priority,
;so remove it from the old set and conj it onto the new one.
(assoc priority->set-of-items
current-priority-key (disj (get priority->set-of-items current-priority-key) item)
priority-key (conj (get priority->set-of-items priority-key #{}) item))
(assoc item->priority item priority)
(meta this)
; Case 2: Item is new to the priority map, so just add it.
(let [priority-key (apply-keyfn priority)]
(assoc priority->set-of-items
priority-key (conj (get priority->set-of-items priority-key #{}) item))
(assoc item->priority item priority)
(meta this)
(empty [this] (PersistentPriorityMap. (empty priority->set-of-items) {} _meta keyfn))
; cons defines conj behavior
(cons [this e]
(if (map? e)
(into this e)
(let [[item priority] e] (.assoc this item priority))))
; Like sorted maps, priority maps are equal to other maps provided
; their key-value pairs are the same.
(equiv [this o] (= item->priority o))
(hashCode [this] (.hashCode item->priority))
(equals [this o] (or (identical? this o) (.equals item->priority o)))
;containsKey implements (contains? pm k) behavior
(containsKey [this item] (contains? item->priority item))
(entryAt [this k]
(let [v (.valAt this k this)]
(when-not (identical? v this)
(MapEntry. k v))))
(seq [this]
(if keyfn
(seq (for [[priority item-set] priority->set-of-items, item item-set]
(MapEntry. item (item->priority item))))
(seq (for [[priority item-set] priority->set-of-items, item item-set]
(MapEntry. item priority)))))
;without implements (dissoc pm k) behavior
[this item]
(let [priority (item->priority item ::not-found)]
(if (= priority ::not-found)
;; If item is not in map, return the map unchanged.
(let [priority-key (apply-keyfn priority)
item-set (priority->set-of-items priority-key)]
(if (= (count item-set) 1)
;;If it is the only item with this priority, remove that priority's set completely
(PersistentPriorityMap. (dissoc priority->set-of-items priority-key)
(dissoc item->priority item)
(meta this)
;;Otherwise, just remove the item from the priority's set.
(assoc priority->set-of-items priority-key (disj item-set item)),
(dissoc item->priority item)
(meta this)
java.io.Serializable ;Serialization comes for free with the other things implemented
Map ;Makes this compatible with java's map
(size [this] (count item->priority))
(isEmpty [this] (zero? (count item->priority)))
(containsValue [this v]
(if keyfn
(some (partial = v) (vals this)) ; no shortcut if there is a keyfn
(contains? priority->set-of-items v)))
(get [this k] (.valAt this k))
(put [this k v] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
(remove [this k] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
(putAll [this m] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
(clear [this] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))
(keySet [this] (set (keys this)))
(values [this] (vals this))
(entrySet [this] (set this))
(iterator [this] (clojure.lang.SeqIterator. (seq this)))
(peek [this]
(when-not (.isEmpty this)
(let [f (first priority->set-of-items)
item (first (val f))]
(if keyfn
(MapEntry. item (item->priority item))
(MapEntry. item (key f))))))
(pop [this]
(if (.isEmpty this) (throw (IllegalStateException. "Can't pop empty priority map"))
(let [f (first priority->set-of-items),
item-set (val f)
item (first item-set),
priority-key (key f)]
(if (= (count item-set) 1)
;If the first item is the only item with its priority, remove that priority's set completely
(dissoc priority->set-of-items priority-key)
(dissoc item->priority item)
(meta this)
;Otherwise, just remove the item from the priority's set.
(assoc priority->set-of-items priority-key (disj item-set item)),
(dissoc item->priority item)
(meta this)
;makes priority map usable as a function
(invoke [this k] (.valAt this k))
(invoke [this k not-found] (.valAt this k not-found))
;adds metadata support
(meta [this] _meta)
(withMeta [this m] (PersistentPriorityMap. priority->set-of-items item->priority m keyfn))
(rseq [this]
(if keyfn
(seq (for [[priority item-set] (rseq priority->set-of-items), item item-set]
(MapEntry. item (item->priority item))))
(seq (for [[priority item-set] (rseq priority->set-of-items), item item-set]
(MapEntry. item priority))))))