(sort coll)
(sort comp coll)
Returns a sorted sequence of the items in coll. If no comparator is
supplied, uses compare. comparator must implement
java.util.Comparator. Guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will
not be reordered. If coll is a Java array, it will be modified. To
avoid this, sort a copy of the array.
(defn sort
"Returns a sorted sequence of the items in coll. If no comparator is
supplied, uses compare. comparator must implement
java.util.Comparator. Guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will
not be reordered. If coll is a Java array, it will be modified. To
avoid this, sort a copy of the array."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
(sort compare coll))
([^java.util.Comparator comp coll]
(if (seq coll)
(let [a (to-array coll)]
(. java.util.Arrays (sort a comp))
(seq a))