(max-key k x)
(max-key k x y)
(max-key k x y & more)
Returns the x for which (k x), a number, is greatest.
If there are multiple such xs, the last one is returned.
(defn max-key
"Returns the x for which (k x), a number, is greatest.
If there are multiple such xs, the last one is returned."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
([k x] x)
([k x y] (if (> (k x) (k y)) x y))
([k x y & more]
(let [kx (k x) ky (k y)
[v kv] (if (> kx ky) [x kx] [y ky])]
(loop [v v kv kv more more]
(if more
(let [w (first more)
kw (k w)]
(if (>= kw kv)
(recur w kw (next more))
(recur v kv (next more))))