(binding bindings & body)
binding => var-symbol init-expr
Creates new bindings for the (already-existing) vars, with the
supplied initial values, executes the exprs in an implicit do, then
re-establishes the bindings that existed before. The new bindings
are made in parallel (unlike let); all init-exprs are evaluated
before the vars are bound to their new values.
(defmacro binding
"binding => var-symbol init-expr
Creates new bindings for the (already-existing) vars, with the
supplied initial values, executes the exprs in an implicit do, then
re-establishes the bindings that existed before. The new bindings
are made in parallel (unlike let); all init-exprs are evaluated
before the vars are bound to their new values."
{:added "1.0"}
[bindings & body]
(vector? bindings) "a vector for its binding"
(even? (count bindings)) "an even number of forms in binding vector")
(let [var-ize (fn [var-vals]
(loop [ret [] vvs (seq var-vals)]
(if vvs
(recur (conj (conj ret `(var ~(first vvs))) (second vvs))
(next (next vvs)))
(seq ret))))]
`(let []
(push-thread-bindings (hash-map ~@(var-ize bindings)))