(assoc! coll key val)
(assoc! coll key val & kvs)
When applied to a transient map, adds mapping of key(s) to
val(s). When applied to a transient vector, sets the val at index.
Note - index must be <= (count vector). Returns coll.
(defn assoc!
"When applied to a transient map, adds mapping of key(s) to
val(s). When applied to a transient vector, sets the val at index.
Note - index must be <= (count vector). Returns coll."
{:added "1.1"
:static true}
([^clojure.lang.ITransientAssociative coll key val] (.assoc coll key val))
([^clojure.lang.ITransientAssociative coll key val & kvs]
(let [ret (.assoc coll key val)]
(if kvs
(recur ret (first kvs) (second kvs) (nnext kvs))