(memo-swap! f base)
Takes a core.memo-populated function and a map and replaces the memoization cache
with the supplied map. This is potentially some serious voodoo,
since you can effectively change the semantics of a function on the fly.
(def id (memo identity))
(memo-swap! id '{[13] :omg})
(id 13)
;=> :omg
With great power comes ... yadda yadda yadda.
(defn memo-swap!
"Takes a core.memo-populated function and a map and replaces the memoization cache
with the supplied map. This is potentially some serious voodoo,
since you can effectively change the semantics of a function on the fly.
(def id (memo identity))
(memo-swap! id '{[13] :omg})
(id 13)
;=> :omg
With great power comes ... yadda yadda yadda."
[f base]
(when-let [cache (cache-id f)]
(swap! cache
(constantly (clojure.core.cache/seed @cache
(into {}
(for [[k v] base]
[k (reify
(deref [this] v))])))))))