Debian Lenny -> Squeeze …
After more than a year of using Debian GNU/Linux stable (Lenny) on my eee, I decided to upgrade it to testing (Squeeze). The reasons are many. Some of them, are the access to updated versions of many applications, and the usage of a recent optimized kernel. Anyway, my system is fine except from a …
The following excerpt is taken from the homepage of TheHackerspace:
"Unless you are rich, it is unlikely that you own all the hardware and the tools required to build different kinds of embedded systems. For example you might …
Automatic Web logon
I believe that services like Yahoo! Answers are very useful and use them at times. The Yahoo! Answers community gives an extra point to users each time they visit their account (but only once/day).
The problem is …
Beware of Q_ASSERT
I really like the concept of inline assertions. Assertions might be rude, since they kick you out of a program whenever they fail, but by using them you can make sure that your code gives you the expected results. You might argue that Unit Testing is a better approach. I won't say no, but I …
Python code profiling in …
If you are coding in python, you are probably already familiar with the profiler concept. The problem is that the python profiler license fails to comply with the free software guidelines of Debian and therefore the package belongs to the non-free archive. "So what?", you might say. Well, …
Back to basics...
How I ended up with a clean Plone instance on objectis
What can I say? It is my faith to develop my homepage from scratch once every while...
When I decided to migrate from Drupal to Plone, dtek (a company where I used to work in the past) has kindly offered me some space and hosted my …