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Sakis Kasampallis | Apr 28, 2011 min read

How I ended up with a clean Plone instance on objectis

What can I say? It is my faith to develop my homepage from scratch once every while...

When I decided to migrate from Drupal to Plone, dtek (a company where I used to work in the past) has kindly offered me some space and hosted my Plone site for free. Unfortunately they can't host my homepage anymore. While looking for hosting providers, I found out that it is expensive to host Plone/Zope sites, in contrast for example to PHP/MySQL sites.

Thankfully Pilot Systems is kind enough to provide free Plone hosting services through the objectis service. I really appreciate that. Unfortunately, there are some limitations to the free package, the biggest of them being the lack of support for restoring Plone websites of size > 10MB. The backup of my former homepage ( is ~25MB thus I cannot restore it using the quick importer of Zope.

So  here I am, with a clean Plone instance that I have to develop from scratch step by step. Better than nothing, isn't it?